Thursday, April 11, 2013

Different Breeds of Goat

This is the most popular breed. This breed is large, has long, wide, pendulous ears, and a roman nose. Goats of this breed usually are brown, but can be almost any color. The Nubian breed originated in the United Kingdom from British and Near-East descendants. Nubians have a high butterfat content in their milk. Nubian milk is therefore good for cheese making.
Alpines originated in Switzerland. They were later imported to France and England, and then to the United States. Most Alpines are either black and white, brown and white, but can have various other color patterns. This breed has dished, or curved, noses, and upright ears.


Saanens are another Swiss breed. These goats are large, kind, and friendly. This breed of goats is generally all-white, with forward-facing ears.


Toggs are medium-sized chocolate animals who also originated in Switzerland's Toggenburg Valley.

La Mancha

This breed was developed in the United States of a Spanish breed

that was crossbred with other breeds. This breed is distinguished by having very short ears.


Oberhasli, another Swiss breed, is colored Chamoisee, ranging from light to a deep red bay with black facial stripes, muzzle and forehead. Oberhaslis can also be black in color.

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